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Finding ArcGis Pro far harder to use than ArcMap.

02-06-2017 07:51 AM
New Contributor

I would start by saying I have no problems whatsoever with ArcMap and that I think that Arcgis Pro is, to be fair, beautiful to look at.

But most basic things I would be able to do in the basic version just seem so much harder in Pro.

- The Contents Pane is really unintuitive

- The Project View less straight-forward

- It's harder to interact with my layers

- The Spatial Join feature isn't working for me despite having the same settings as I would in joining with ArcMap.

In Map I could guess where features were intuitively and I could always right click on layers to bring back options such as 'display x y data'. The fact that I can't work this out yet can cope with ArcMap I hope is feedback to help improve the program for beginners. I have no doubt that for advanced users with experience, Pro is really good and rewarding but just wanted to feedback how much I am struggling to get to grips with a program which I was considering buying. 

Has anyone else had these feelings at times? Is it something you get past?


5 Replies
Esteemed Contributor
Occasional Contributor

Short version, I agree, keep at it, it will come eventually, I dont like generally how it works but after using it for a 1/2 year I now use it for 1/4 of my projects. I do not make maps with it, Arcmap IMO is light years easier to work with layouts and views, legend etc.

MVP Emeritus

Every incarnation of Arc* software has raised these same discussion, from ArcInfo to ArcView 2.x/3.x to ArcGIS 8.x-now.X... now on to PRO.  I will wager that you will still raise the supporters of the first offering as being the cleanest way of 'doing' GIS.  As said, you will get used to it but the time taken to get familiar with it is partially a reflection of the complexity of what is now offered compared to the historical trajectory of the software.  You can't compare t-shirts and jeans to a fully suited tux... use/(put on) what you need to do the job... I do most of my gis stuff totally outside of Arc* pulling in what I need from ArcMap and/or Pro when it is simpler to do so.

New Contributor

Thanks for some really helpful replies. Will check out the thread on Spatial Joins. 

To be fair I can appreciate that my purpose with ArcPro is very basic as far as these things go, and  probably ArcPro wouldn't exist if it was just to do things that could be done more simply in Map. Really I can just use Map for my project but I loved the look of Pro so wanted to see if it leant a different aesthetic to projects.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Henry,

There is a series of introductory ArcGIS Pro tutorials in the documentation that may help you feel more comfortable with Pro.


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