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Feature disappears(no show) after creating

08-31-2022 08:47 PM
Occasional Contributor

After creating the line feature class in Map, it just disappeared. In order to check the existance of my feature, I use the selection tool. The results show that my "invisible" feature is selectable and it can be displayed in the Scene.

I've updated my ArcGIS Pro to version 3.0.1 but the problem can not be solved.(yellow line in the lower partof the picture)

I wonder that how this issue can be solved.


The picture shows that my feature(yellow line in the lower part of the picture) is not displayed in Map(purple line in the upper part of the picture) but displayed in the Scene(yellow line in the lower par tof the picture)



9 Replies
MVP Alum

Maybe you have a definition query on the layer?

Filter features with definition queries—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

Have a great day!
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Occasional Contributor

I already checked layer properties, no definition query on my layer.


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MVP Alum

Ah right, you also said it's selectable...

Is it something in the symbology? Try symbolising with "Single Symbol".

Have a great day!
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Occasional Contributor

The symbology is single symbol, I didn't set different symbology. 

Recalculating the spatial index didn't work neither.

Restart ArcGIS Pro or my computer is useless.

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Esri Regular Contributor

@TINGYUBAI try clearing the cache on the layer (right-click on the layer > Cache page):


If that doesn't work, try clearing the display cache for the application (Options > Display):



Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the sugguestion.

It seems that clear the cache does't work for me. Still failed.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Sorry to hear that. Just a guess here. Try running the Recalculate Feature Class Extent (Data Management) geoprocessing tool, but you will need a Standard or Advanced license. If you don't have one, try exporting the feature class to another feature class and see if that helps.

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Occasional Contributor

Recalculate Feature Class Extent also failed.................( I have the advanced license)

I have the access to recalculate the spatial index, but failed to process(Fig. 1).  I tried to shut down QGIS which is connected to my feature class and looked for the Lock pane, the former got no use, as for he lattter, I folllowed the step mentioned in documentation, and couldn't find the lock pane.(Fig. 2)

Fig 1. The picture shows the error message. 


(Fig. 2) 

Finally, I used the Feature to line tool to export the feature class to a new one.

It was werid that not all features were successfully exported to the new feature class.

For that reason, I need to use the select by location tool and paste special tool to make every feature exist in the new feature class. 

Maybe the feature class was broken for some reason, still can't figure it out.

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New Contributor

Any news on this? I just had my layer go invisible on me. Still has an attribute table but refuses to let me export its features.