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Extensive errors with basics: calculate geometry, calculate field, and joins

09-23-2022 09:38 AM
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor

Good day,

We're running ArcGIS Pro 2.9.3 installed in a computer lab managed by my campus' IT. I've taught in this room for years, using ArcGIS Pro for two of those years, and never had these issues.

In short, about half the students in the class have some error in doing the following functions:

Calculate Geometry

Field Calculator


Please understand that I have verified in each case the simple things - field type, file name, join type, calculator syntax, etc. None of these are basic user errors. Which is difficult to explain to new GIS users!

The errors that encapsulate this issue the most are attached. In this case, the student has a valid join, has fields with correct type, and has correctly entered the equation for the calculation (simple density). In return, they've received three error messages:

Error 000539

Error 000313

Warning 000304

This, despite correctly doing everything above. In fact, this is done using the direct file path to the file in the input table dropdown. When simply selecting the shapefile from the dropdown, the error in the second window appears:


My question is: what is causing ArcGIS Pro to not recognize the tables, fields, shapefiles, etc. to cause these warnings? This issue is across students working from lab computers, but I have not been able to replicate it on demand. Calculate geometry has returned similar issues.

All thoughts appreciated.

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6 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

I can repeat the first error if I first try to do the calc using the dropdown and then change it by selecting the folder and navigating to the feature class rather than selecting it from the dropdown. 

When selecting from the folder, there is no join on the data as it is loading directly from the source so there is not really a !griznum.csv.BEARS! column in the data as it comes from the join (and saved in the project, not the datasource).  The dropdown dataset will have the join and seems to work normally.

On the join, did you select keep all, or only matching features?  Have you opened the attribute table on the "joined" dataset and make sure there are records in there?  Second error tends to suggest there isn't.

If all else fails, would try converting the shapefiles to FGDB feature classes and see if it behaves the same?  Shapefiles don't always play well, and can become "partially" corrupt.

You mentioned about half the students having issues.  Are they always using the same computer?

Could be issue on particular machines vs particular users.


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Occasional Contributor


Thanks for the reply. Lots to consider! Last thought first - this has happened on many different machines in our lab classroom. I estimate about 35 issues among about the same number of computers at different times over two days.

Your note on the clarification of the dropdown vs. file path difference is helpful - however - I have validated in each case that the added fields do exist, and that the join is valid. So dropdown should work - unless there is a memory error someplace that's *missing* the join? Or to say: the dropdown dataset does not have the join. What could cause this?

Yes, in this case and all others, I have verified the joined dataset was there and all records are present. Which makes that second error most confusion. I can see the records in the attribute table - but Arc can't. This leads me to memory issues again though without much understanding of why.

I am considering FGDB conversions for future work using data in the class - though I've never experienced issues like this before in Pro last year or Desktop beforehand. 

Any guesses on what is making joins this hard?


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MVP Notable Contributor

Suspect you are r-clicking on an attribute and choosing calculate field?  If running the GP tool, there should be no way that you are seeing the joined fields when you use the folder button, as there can't be a join saved in the shapefile itself. ( as you say, the dropdown "should" work, but the file explorer should NOT work, at least not with any joined fields. If you see joined fields in the Fields list, Pro is "confused")

If I open the attribute table, r-click a field and choose Calculate Field, it is by default working on the table from the TOC (which, in this case, has a join on it).  If you then r-click the field calculate, but now pick the folder option, it "confuses" Pro, and the fields list will show the joined fields (from before), even though they can't be there as joins are saved in the project file, not the shapefile. If I do it this way, I get the same error message you get in error 1.

As a second test on the join, first thing I'd do is export the csv to a FGDB table, and use that table for the join.  If it works, there is an issue with the csv (not sure if csv's fall under the Microsoft driver issues with Pro or not).

If the errors go away, at least you know it was related to the csv file.  If not, convert the shapefile to FGDB feature class, and join with either/both.  This should at least tell you if there is an issue with the shapefile or csv.  Then, will have the info needed to dig deeper.

Of course, never hurts to try each of these in their own Pro project so as to not get confused with same data source names, etc.


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Occasional Contributor


Super useful steps for validation down the line when I need to update. I guess my immediate question/need for resolution is: why is this happening on only some computers? In the end, about 60% of students had no issues: used the shapefile and the csv to join, calculate field, etc no trouble. What happened to Arc in the other 40% of cases to route us here? Is this some issue with memory, permissions, network, etc? I’ve never been able to actually replicate it - just seen so many students do it. What makes Arc ‘go’ this way, sometimes?

It’s a real curiosity but essential so I can support students and troubleshoot with IT.

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MVP Notable Contributor

Not going to be much help on the why...

Suspect either some of the computers may have issues with csv's/dbf or such.

Or, maybe the students are performing the operation slightly differently.  Some may be using the GP tool directly, others may be right-clicking, etc.

I know if I open the attribute table of a FC with a join and at some point pick one of the joined fields, THEN change to the dropdown, I get the first message every time.

Good luck,


One good thing is that you students are learning with ESRI, get used to it not always working the way you expect it to.  Anymore, knowing the issues/workarounds seems to be the difference in using GIS vs a career 🙂



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Occasional Contributor

They are *all* right clicking, but I’m going to have to try the ‘pick a joined field first’ thing sometime. There’s a reason we all have these old superstitions about Arc - they really do make it work or not at times!

Maybe one of our many thread viewers can help us out on the why…

Students and I all appreciate your help!

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