I have been trying to export a georeferenced PDF of a layout and it keeps pulling into adobe blank with this error "An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct the problem." I have never run into this error before, and the export settings are the default settings. my ArcGIS Pro version is 3.4.2.
i have an update on this, i tried exporting as a jpeg and that worked but the pdf still wont export 😞
I've had issues with certain images/labels not working with pdf but with jpeg so to go that route has just been my solution.
Can you try the following workflow:
Also, do you have any unexpected map elements in the layout that are blank perhaps they are overlaying the data you want to show?
Hi @DanielFox1
That unfortunately didn't work, and no everything is populated on my map as it should be, but the entire layout exports blank. I've attached what it looks like when i export and what i see in my layout view
Does it matter how many layers are in the layout would it still have the same issue with one layer, in the web map?
Do you notice this issue if you were able to rollback to 3.3.x series?
I removed one of the map frames and it exported, when adding the other back i get that error. I'm running geometry checks but is there anything else i can do to fix this?
I actually dont know how to rollback my arc version, is there a spot i can download the older versions?
If you have access to MyEsri so should have access to the previous versions, I am not sure how your account is set up so this may not be an option for you.
It sounds like one of the map frames might be causing an issue if I am understanding your message
I found out after fiddling with my computer that I was out of storage space and nothing would export because of that, I have since fixed it thank you!