I was wondering if was implemented the export voxel sections to raster as mentioned that would be in this post: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-pro-questions/is-it-possible-to-export-voxel-layer-sections/m-p...
I did 6 sections and now I need to have a mean section associated with standard deviation, so would be nice to export to raster. Any Idea how I could have this?
Best regards
Unfortunately we have not had a chance to work on this as getting voxel layers on the web was the higher priority. Currently, we are working on performance improvements so this is not in the near term plan. If you would prefer to keep track of this I would recommend submitting an ArcGIS Idea so I can keep you and others updated on when it's in the product plan and when it will be implemented.
Thank you for the information. There is any working around to get mean values? for example, using the NetCDF file? I don't know, maybe is possible to export the sections to NetCDF, and later to raster? Or is not possible to export the section at all?
Sorry, since it's a new feature there is no workaround per se. Sections cannot be exported in any format they are for visual analysis only. If anything changes for the next release i'll try and post back here to let you know.