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Error Messages While Creating a Package

10-27-2022 07:58 PM
New Contributor III

Hi Community;   A new problem. I am trying to create a Project Package while in Pro 2.9.3 before upgrading to Pro 3.0.x.    I get to the stage of analyzing the package and get error messages. All 5 are the same message. "00001 Map does not have layers". However, the specified Maps in the Project have plenty of layers. And in one case the specified Map does not exist. It is only a layer within an actual Map that is part of the Project.

The solution in Help says to add a layer to the empty map. But the Map is not empty. And in the one case what is being called a Map is not a Map in the Project, it is only a layer within a Map in the Project.  This is quite mysterious. And I cannot create a package until are errors are fixed.    Dave


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