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Error inspector

05-15-2023 04:54 AM
New Contributor


I am with Arcgis Pro 2.9. I am using data reviewer for QA/QC the geodatabase to check the errors in it. I created a rule using attribute rule ready-to-use rules to check for duplicated data. Then a use error inspector is to evaluate data according to this rule. the result of the evaluation is an error the error says "Evaluate rules__ Edit operation failed the row contains a bad value. I attached an image to show the error message.Screenshot 2023-05-15 140931.png Why does this message appear? and how can i fix it?

Thank you in Advance.

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

In general, that error usually means a field in the data is being edited with an invalid value. For example, if you try to insert a 36-character string into a field with a max of 35 characters you'll get that error.

For Reviewer-based validation attribute rules, you may want to verify that the Name and Description properties of your rules do not exceed 64/256 characters in length, respectively.

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