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Error in Remove Thermal Noise

05-20-2024 11:48 AM
Labels (2)
New Contributor

I apologize in advance for my English.
I'm learning how to process SAR imagery in ArcGIS Pro. I have gone through the tutorial "Process Sentinel-1 SAR data" and "Explore SAR satellite imagery". Everything worked for me. So I downloaded my own actual SAR imagery to process and it keeps giving me an error when I process "Remove Thermal Noise".
I have downloaded the images either from Copernicus or from EarthData ASF. When I download the data from Copernicus, it usually won't load the " and tells me so:

"Failed to add data, unsupported data type.\Container
The system cannot find the specified object."

From EarthData ASF I can load the data. When I use the "Remove Thermal Noise" tool, it reports the following error:


Remove Thermal Noise

Input Radar Data IW1_manifest
Output Radar Data D:\GIS ČČK\Test\IW1_manifest_TNR.crf
Polarization Bands VV;VH

Start Time: pondělí 20. května 2024 20:19:29
A raster error has occurred. The messages that follow will provide more detail.
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open dataset: C:\Users\snake\AppData\Local\Temp\ArcGISProTemp28516\xce166bb8_bcce_4b87_9b70_6538a6d66e5fy0.afr]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'Geometric Function' [Geometric Function].
Failed to open raster dataset [x30f49a15_5105_4222_8a39_a251dbf907a4y0.afr]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'RasterInfo Function' [RasterInfo Function]. [Missing raster: [D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\SENTINEL1_CALIB:UNCALIB:D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\\\\\]]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'RasterInfo Function' [RasterInfo Function]. [Missing raster: [D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\SENTINEL1_CALIB:UNCALIB:D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\\\\\]]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
XML document must have a top level element.

Failed to open raster dataset
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open dataset: C:\Users\snake\AppData\Local\Temp\ArcGISProTemp28516\xce166bb8_bcce_4b87_9b70_6538a6d66e5fy0.afr]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'Geometric Function' [Geometric Function].
Failed to open raster dataset [x30f49a15_5105_4222_8a39_a251dbf907a4y0.afr]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'RasterInfo Function' [RasterInfo Function]. [Missing raster: [D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\SENTINEL1_CALIB:UNCALIB:D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\\\\\]]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'RasterInfo Function' [RasterInfo Function]. [Missing raster: [D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\SENTINEL1_CALIB:UNCALIB:D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\\\\\]]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
XML document must have a top level element.

Distributing operation across 8 parallel instances.
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open dataset: C:\Users\snake\AppData\Local\Temp\ArcGISProTemp28516\xce166bb8_bcce_4b87_9b70_6538a6d66e5fy0.afr]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'Geometric Function' [Geometric Function].
Failed to open raster dataset [x30f49a15_5105_4222_8a39_a251dbf907a4y0.afr]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'RasterInfo Function' [RasterInfo Function]. [Missing raster: [D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\SENTINEL1_CALIB:UNCALIB:D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\\\\\]]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'RasterInfo Function' [RasterInfo Function]. [Missing raster: [D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\SENTINEL1_CALIB:UNCALIB:D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\\\\\]]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
XML document must have a top level element.

Failed to open raster dataset
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open dataset: C:\Users\snake\AppData\Local\Temp\ArcGISProTemp28516\xce166bb8_bcce_4b87_9b70_6538a6d66e5fy0.afr]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'Geometric Function' [Geometric Function].
Failed to open raster dataset [x30f49a15_5105_4222_8a39_a251dbf907a4y0.afr]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'RasterInfo Function' [RasterInfo Function]. [Missing raster: [D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\SENTINEL1_CALIB:UNCALIB:D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\\\\\]]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Parameter 'Raster' is missing or invalid. Bind failed in function 'RasterInfo Function' [RasterInfo Function]. [Missing raster: [D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\SENTINEL1_CALIB:UNCALIB:D:\GIS ČČK\Saarburg_2024-05\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB\S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240519T054253_20240519T054320_053936_068E5E_A2AB.SAFE\\\\\]]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
Failed to open raster dataset [Failed to open raster dataset]
XML document must have a top level element.

Failed to execute (RemoveThermalNoise).
Failed at pondělí 20. května 2024 20:19:39 (Elapsed Time: 9,79 seconds)


Can anyone advise. Thank you

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1 Reply
New Contributor

Today I tried the "Remove Thermal Noise" function on a second PC (laptop). The first problem appeared as soon as I wanted to unzip the downloaded file. I don't use WinRAR on the laptop, but the one that comes directly in Win 11, so as soon as I wanted to extract the file, it said that the path to the destination directory was too long. So I shortened the destination folder to only the last 4 characters of the file name (167C).
I then tried the process in ArcGIS and it worked. I immediately tried shortening the folder name in the first PC as well and the result was the same as in the laptop. The process went fine and everything seems to work.

Tried the whole "Process Sentinel-1 SAR data" tutorial on the data downloaded by me and everything went fine. So it was a matter of file path length.

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