I’m trying to simply export some features layers, but every time i click to search for some local to save my arcgis pro desktop crashes.
I don’t know what to do. I restarted my machine, updated the system and arcgis, unistalled and installed again. It’s just not working.
What i’m missing here?
Hi @crish580
What version of ArcGIS Pro are you running?
You can run the following tool for versions 2.9/3.0/3.1 to see if your machine meets the specification requirements. Can I run It?
Along with this, when ArcGIS Pro crashes it will produce a dump file which can be accessed in the following location - C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\ESRI\ErrorReports
This can be put through WinDBug and it will tell you a module which is failing, please review the following documentation on "What is the workflow when ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro crashes?"