Editing issues

11-20-2018 02:37 PM
Regular Contributor III

I've been using Pro for a while now to do my editing.  I've noticed several little things that are driving me crazy and wondered what issues others were having.  

Snapping: If I have edge snapping turned on, it seems to take precedence over vertex snapping.  I don't remember this behavior in ArcMap.  The issue happens when one layer has a vertex that I really want to snap to but the other layer with no vertex is what the snapping seems to want to go to.  I'm sure it has something to do with the drawing order but not totally sure.  I'd like a bit more fine control over snapping rather than having to toggle edge snapping on/off constantly.

Trace tool: The trace tool is extremely picky and very slow to draw.  Sometimes even the slightest of movements makes you have to start over on the sketch.  

Split tool: This tool is also extremely picky.  We really need a separate tool for polygons called cut or something similar.  These were separate in ArcMap.  

Josh White, AICP
Principal Planner

City of Arkansas City
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16 Replies
Regular Contributor III

Thanks Scott.  What about cutting a hole in a polygon?  

Josh White, AICP
Principal Planner

City of Arkansas City
0 Kudos
Esri Regular Contributor
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Regular Contributor III

I actually did reference that particular page but that is when I ran into the issues.  It is inconsistent at best and I kept getting an error that the line couldn't be split.  In fact, just now, when I tried it again on a polygon feature and click the construction tool, Pro seems to freeze for a half second and then nothing happens at all.  Not even the warning I was getting yesterday (not sure what is different today).  Eventually, after clicking multiple times I am able to get the error again. 

Split failed.  New geometry must intersect polylines and intersect polygons in two more more places.  

That doesn't make sense because what I was trying to do was create a whole in a polygon.  I wouldn't want to intersect the sides of the polygon and arguably by drawing my "hole" using the sketch tool over the polygon, I am most certainly intersecting it. 

Step 7 also says: Create a closed splitting line that represents the hole in the feature using the tools on the construction toolbar.

As you create the splitting line, the x, and y, coordinates appear in the vertices table.

I see no vertices table in Pro unless it means the geometry under the attributes tab.  That table only shows the vertices of the existing feature and sadly cannot be edited either but that's another issue.  

I thought maybe Clip was actually what I wanted but as I read through it, I'm not sure of the point of that tool as it doesn't do what I would expect it to do.  

Josh White, AICP
Principal Planner

City of Arkansas City
0 Kudos
Esri Regular Contributor

I think I know what's going on, and it's related to a defect report we have logged:

[BUG-000106958 The Split tool fails to create a nested feature inside the parent polygon when the polygon feature class is z-enabled.]

FYI - the defect is "In Product Plan", meaning our developers intent to release a fix in a future release.

So to use the Split tool to create a donut, you would need to have a polygon that is not z-enabled (not always ideal), so until then I would recommend the following workflow:

  1. Select the polygon you want to cut a hole into.
  2. Bring up the Modify pane and choose "Continue Feature".
  3. Create the polygon that represents the hole (donut) and finish the sketch.

This seems like the most efficient workflow.

Regular Contributor III

Thanks, that is a workaround I can handle.  

Josh White, AICP
Principal Planner

City of Arkansas City
Esri Regular Contributor

If you are creating new polygons with holes, you could start creating the outside of the polygon sketch > right-click and choose "finish part" > then sketch the hole (or donut). This is described in the following ArcMap help document, but works in Pro too:

Creating new donut holes and island polygons—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Regular Contributor III

Actually that part does help as long as you do it with the initial polygon creation.  I wish I would have known about that option before I started to fight with the split tool.  Thanks for showing me that.  

Josh White, AICP
Principal Planner

City of Arkansas City