Editing Issues in GIS PRO

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2 weeks ago
New Contributor

Many times I am in a editing session and my edits quit showing on the map. I will draw a feature line from a meter to a pipe and it will disappear! I will edit vertices but the edit will not show until I exit the program and then open pro again and then I see my edits and lines I tried to add. I have read about cache and tried changing cache settings to no avail. I am fairly knew to GIS after being a civil 3d designer for many years and have been given this great opportunity, but this is driving me crazy! I even started a project over hoping this would purge out the bug. If you can offer me some advice I would truly appreciate it. 


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1 Solution

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Occasional Contributor III

The only thing I could suggest, with my experience, would be to create a completely new ArcPro project, create new connections to your database(s), add the layers you edit from your connection, and see if the issue persists.

If the issue does not persist then that would mean there is an underlying issue (probably next to impossible to identify the exact reason) with your “old” aprx. If the issue persists with the new aprx, then this would mean there is an underlying issue with the data which could probably be identified but it would require assistance from tech support via a screen share so the support technician could more specifically identify the data setup and hopefully the root cause of the issue.

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10 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

A couple of questions that may help someone be able to provide some hints are:

  1. What version of Pro are you using?
  2. What sort of database are you working (standalone file geodatabase, enterprise geodatabase, etc.)?
  3. What sort of connection do you have to the database (connected directly, connected with a published webservice, connected to hosted feature layer, etc.)?

These answers could really help to ease the frustration ... possibly. 

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New Contributor


I am using pro 3.3. 

Enterprise GIS. 

Our city server

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Occasional Contributor III

If you're using feature services to do your edits, it's possible the map used to publish the service had/has definition queries set for the features, and if this is the case then your feature could disappear before you get a chance to add the attribute information the query is based on. Once you save the edits and exit Pro the features will appear when you open Pro again because the query has been satisfied.

Just an idea.

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New Contributor

Thanks Eugene 

Are those queries connected to the database, can I adjust those or eliminate them in my project, so they wont affect anyone else?

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Occasional Contributor III

This idea would only apply if you're using feature services (a feature that has its source from a published feature class) and if that is the case, the definition query would be applied in the Pro project used to create the service, so whoever published the service would need to remove or amend the query and overwrite the service. This would affect all users of the feature service.

If the feature class you're editing is coming directly from the database then you could check to see if there is a definition query applied to the feature class itself by right-clicking the feature class in your table of contents pane, clicking properties, then clicking on the Definition Query. If a query is applied, you can remove it or amend it. Whether or not this affects anyone other than you would be determined by whether or not anyone else uses the same Pro project.

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New Contributor

I'm going to give it a try my friend and get back to you! 


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New Contributor

Good morning Eugene  

when I go properties definition query it says: there are no definition queries found


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Occasional Contributor III

That lets you know it's not the layer in the map itself then.

To see if the layer you're editing is drawing from a feature service, from the contents pane choose the "list by data source option" and if you have a symbol like the one below, then your source is a published feature layer which could have a definition query or something else similar that could make features disappear like I mentioned earlier. 



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New Contributor


Today as I was editing, I decide that when my edit disappeared to zoom out and hit the refresh. when I did this all of my features, water lines, valves, storm lines and meters all disappeared leaving me with my graphic layers only. I saved and went out of project and when I reopened project all of my edits were there and everything that went away was there, I dont get it, it is a real hassle to make a few edits then have to go out and come back in to see them.

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