ArcGIS Pro, 3.2.2, advanced license, NVIDIA T1000 8GB. I'm using the tutorial and sample data at
I get a warning when creating the raster dataset "W > 2024-04-11T12:25:12.606: Warning: Cannot compute flight height from input parameters. Use default value: 1.000 m. [YUN_0040]".
Then when I try to run the block adjust, I get ERROR 999999
I > 2024-04-11T12:26:18.669: Computing initial tie points...
E > ERROR 999999: Something unexpected caused the tool to fail. Contact Esri Technical Support ( to Report a Bug, and refer to the error help for potential solutions or workarounds.
E > Failed to extract feature points.
E > Parallel processing job timed out
E > Failed to execute (ComputeCameraModel).
Any suggestions? I've tried switching GPUs in Windows Graphics settings, setting Processor Type to CPU, changing the GPS accuracy, disabling the camera calibration, no change, always fails the block adjust after about 3 minutes.
Does your machine meet the specification requirements for ArcGIS Pro 3.2.x, Can you run the system requirements checker to confirm:
ArcGIS Pro 3.2 system requirements
I would encourage you to leave feedback on the topic (there is a link at the bottom) to note to the authors that there is an issue with the workflow and confirm are there any other parameters or settings/specifications you may need to complete this tutorial.
Yes, the machine passes the recommended specs according to that tool... it's a fairly recent Dell Precision 3660. I'll leave feedback on the tutorial, but I haven't gotten Pro to process drone imagery successfully in quite some time. I'm mostly using ODM, but wanted to compare the results I could get in AGP.
I don't have an answer but I do have the exact same issue, so vaguely hoping a reply might bump this to someone who can help.
I have since found the issue in my case. At some point previous to this I had evidently mis-set the ArcGIS Pro environment setting for Parallel Processing Factor to 100, instead of 100%. The log stated it was trying to allocate across 100 instances on my 16-thread processor, and I imagine that is why the parallel processing job timed out. When I changed that setting to 100% it allocated across 16 instances and the tool ran successfully.
The pasted error in the original post on this thread does not include the number of instances being allocated so it may not be the same problem, but worth a try.
I get a warning when creating the raster dataset "W > 2024-04-11T12:25:12.606: Warning: Cannot compute flight height from input parameters. Use default value: 1.000 m. [YUN_0040]".
is still unresolved.
It is obvious that the EXIF headers have the flight height value, those values show when the images are read in. Why can't the flight height be calculated?
Maybe I should learn to use OpenDroneMap.
I sent feedback via the link on the bottom of the tutorial page and relatively quickly got a reply from the relevant person at Esri, Cody Benkelman, who was going to check this. But that was July...
The "cannot compute flight height from input parameters" error appears in this bug report. The bug was supposed to have been fixed at version 3.2. I have 3.2.4 installed and am still getting the same error message.
Case # 03790561 was opened to look into this.