I get multiple "Drawing Alert: General Function Failure" messages every day. And if the affected layer is one I am currently working on then it doesn't show on the map, and I can't save any edits I have made.
Closing and reopening Pro solves the error, but sometimes it's only 10 minutes before it happens again.
I found a post for ArcMap, but it doesn't really get into the root cause and how to fix it.
ArcMap Drawing Error: General Function Failure - Esri Community
*** EDIT ***
it appears to be an issue with the server. If I copy the files to my local machine then this issue doesn't happen. (But that is a pain, and likely something will get lost in the shuffle.) So it is NOT an esri issue..
Hey @CarsonMorton
What version of Pro are you using? If possible, you may try to either upgrade or downgrade by a version to see if that resolves the issue. Along with that question, is this something new that started up randomly?
This started months ago. I was sure it was because my hard drive was embarrassingly full. I finally had to corner someone to upgrade my machine. It still happened. I updated to 3.3.1, which I couldn't do before because the full drive. It still happens.
From some other things going on with my computer, we have come to the conclusion that it looses connection to our server (where all my files/projects are saved)
Tech will take a look at it when I am gone for holidays. Hopefully it doesn't happen after I come back.
I am also having this issue. I am using Pro 3.3.1. I thought perhaps I had a corrupt map so I created a new one with new layers. However later that day I had a general function drawing error. If I close and re-open the map the error goes away.. for a short time, then will reappear. My GIS files are not on my local machine, however my co-worker does not experience these errors. We are working with the same data, stored in the same location however he is using Pro v3.1. Needless to say, it's very frustrating to have to close and re-open my map every 30 minutes.
The thing that tipped me off was that my file explorer windows would 'randomly' disappear. I only caught it when one disappeared that I was actively looking for something on the server. When I reopened a folder window to continue my search, the server wasn't even showing up. I quickly checked Pro and there was the error.
Did anyone ever find an answer to the problem? We are having a similar problem and haven't figured out a solution yet. I have to close and reopen projects many times while working in a project. It makes things take a lot longer to get done. 😞