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Display multiline labels on the left or right side of the road.

06-28-2024 01:53 PM
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor


I have a street that I would like add a stacked label with the left and right address range.  the labels appear just fine when the direction of the road heads towards the East.  However if the direction of the line heads West then the left range is displayed on the right side of the road.  I can select the "Align label to direction of the line" label position however, that creates upside down labels.

Is there a way to do the following:

  • Create stacked labels that straddle road centerlines.
  • Always display the left address range on the left side of the road.
  • Always display the labels upright and never upside down.


Thank You!

Figure 1:  The Left address range is displayed on the Right side of the road for the selected feature.



Figure 2.  The left address range for the selected feature is displayed on the left side of the road.  However, the road is upside down.





2 Replies
Esteemed Contributor

If you can't find a way to do this, you could submit an idea:

It would help to link to it here so that we can see it and upvote it.

Esri Contributor

The Maplex label engine offers a Street address placement style that is designed exactly for the situation you describe.

In the data I'm using in the below example, the address ranges are defined by 4 fields:

  • L_F_ADD: Left side from address (lower end of range)
  • R_F_ADD: Right side from address (lower end of range)
  • L_T_ADD: Left side to address (upper end of range)
  • R_T_ADD: Right side to address (upper end of range)

I combine these fields in my Arcade label expression like this, where the slash character will be used to stack the label.

$feature.L_F_ADD + " - " + $feature.L_T_ADD + "/" + $feature.R_F_ADD + " - " + $feature.R_T_ADD

In the Maplex Placement settings, change Placement to Street address placement.


In the Maplex Fitting strategy settings, change check on Stack label and replace the Space stacking separator to a forward slash. Check on Forced split and Split after.


The address ranges will place on the correct side of the the line and also stay upright.
