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Disable functionality in ArcGIS Pro to make it faster?

10-23-2023 01:41 PM
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

My team finds the ArcGIS Pro UI to be sluggish (more so than ArcMap). Basic things in a blank map like:  navigating in Catalog or opening the Select By Attributes tool (not running it, just opening the tool). We have new computers, but they only meet the minimum Pro requirements; I.T. denied our request for faster computers.

Is there any functionality we can disable in Pro to help with performance? For example, disabling indexing seems to help.

I'm looking for solutions, not complaints. Thanks.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Bud - there's is an updated blog post article "Troubleshooting Performance Issues in ArcGIS Pro" that has many suggestions for setttings and such.  May be worth checking  out.