Hello, I am closely following the steps in "https://learn.arcgis.com/en/projects/use-deep-learning-to-assess-palm-tree-health/" but with my own data. I was able to run these models several days ago and there have been no major changes or updates to my computer since then so I am unsure what could have changed.
When attempting to specify my model definition in the last step of "Detect Objects With Deep Learning" i receive the error "ERROR 001109 Unrecognized token type; state : inPropertyValue; buffer : : Infinity,
"ModelFile": "trainingouput.pth".
trainingoutput is the folder I created when I "Train Deep Learning Model" in the previous step. The folder was created and has the files: model_characteristics, model_metrics, trainingoutput.dlpk, trainingoutput (an .emd file), and trainingoutput (a PTH file). I also saved the output today into several different folders and areas and restarted and reran but coninue to receive the same error regardless of if I try to select either the .emd or the .dlpk file in the MODEL DEFINTION area.
I can input the .emd file from the output of "Train Deep Learning Model" I ran yesterday on the same data. But I did a more comprehensive training set this time so I want to re-run it.
Can anyone shed any light on this? Happy to provide more info if needed. Thank you!!
I encountered the same problem. Hopefully friendly experts of the group can shed light to our problem.
How many bands your image has? can you please share your Raster info and band metadata?
I faced the same issue when working with 4 bands imagery with bad values in the 4th one
I extracted RGB bands using the "Extract Bands" Raster Function, and use the output raster to train my model