Hello, I am a beginner and need help with data import. I have got a map in a shapefile format; in fact, it's many shapefiles with names starting with vml. How could I import them into ArcGIS Pro? I know how to do this for a single file, but there are too many of them to go one-by-one. Another issue is that if I add them one-by-one, they all appear as separate map layers. Is there a way to combine them? I'd appreciate your help.
If the attribute schema and geometry is same for all shapefiles, try Append (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation. Create a copy of first shapefile, and use it as the Target Dataset.
For any given geoprocessing tool, such as importing a feature class, you can run it as a batch process. However, if you'd like to merge all of those layers first and then import them, you can use Merge to bring them all together. Merge allows you to add many datasets to the input.
Hi Josh, thank you for your response. Unfortunately, batch does not work with tools that create map layers. I have a folder with a thousand shapefiles; is it possible to merge them all without adding each one manually?
Did you try using the Merge tool? You should be able to open a file dialog and select multiple files with it, though I've not tested that in a while.