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Creating Segments in a curved polygon

05-04-2024 01:49 AM
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor


Apologies if my GIS knowledge has come up against a really low brick wall.

I'm looking to create a cemetery layout, with lairs (graves) as segments along either an inner or outer curve of an existing polygon. Divide obviously works well where we have regular shapes, but, I really need some help creating the same in curves. 

Our lairs have a specific width at the "top" and have to be at 900mm to 1200mm centres.  An example of the polygon and outputs attached. (output created many years ago in AutoCad and we now only have paper versions hence digitisation).





Help very much appreciated. TIA

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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

This is one possible direction to explore.

Think like an architect/engineer/designer. Rather than looking at the pieces, look at the whole and the pieces will fall into place.

I am assuming you have a document that has the widths of the sidewalks/driveways, and other constraining features. Or the ability to go to site to get measurements.

For the purposes of this example I used a radius of 10ft for the center feature to scale the image then picked other radii from the start point.

1 - Pick center point of the circle and set a point. (CentralPoint fc)
2 - Create the linear walkways. (WorkLine fc steps 1 & 2) Step 1 built the primary lines running through center point. Step 2 built from Copy Parallel in editing tools
3 - Build out your circular areas based on radius from central point. (WorkPoly fc steps 1-7)
4 - Build the section polygons (WorkPoly fc step 8 )
5 - Convert the step 4 polygons to lines (WorkPoly8toLine fc Step 1) Some cleanup was required since the breaks did not happen at angle points. You may want to duplicate the lines on the splits between the inner and outer sections for step 6 since the two areas have differing numbers of splits.
6 - Divide lines appropriately for plots in section (WorkPoly8toLine fc Step 2)
7 - Connect the dots (WorkPoly8toLine fc Step 3) to create plot dividing linework.
8 - Build your plot polygons (Plot fc) - I goofed on step 6 so there is a -999 plot in the area.

The gdb was created in Pro 3.2.2 with the Create File Geodatabase tool set to ver 10.0 so hopefully earlier versions of Pro can read it...

This is one possible direction to explore.


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