ArcGis Pro 2.5.1 & 2.6:
As I understand them, a feature template is a property of a given project (aprx file). Is there a way to copy a feature template from one project to another? And for that matter if the feature class names are different between projects but the schemas are the same, can you apply the template to that differently named feature?
Hi Joe,
Regarding copying a feature template for use in another project: This was discussed in another thread: Share Feature Templates
Regarding your second question: you can add a layer file (contains the template) and then set the data source of the layer to the other feature class. This might get complicated if you are using group templates or preset templates that rely on multiple layers.
Does that help?
Following the links you provide seems pretty complex (in fact I'm lost...) I'm trying to get the same symbology for editing that @Chris_Fox provides in the Address Data Management Solution.
Does a Project template save the other templates? I would be surprised if templates of all stripes weren't available for saving of saved within a project template
What I just did;
Scott Harris- is this the gist of the other links you provide?
Yes.. sorry if it wasn't clear . Did it work out?
I need to set up some attribute rules and relationship classes and test it to be sure, but it sure looks like the three steps I outlined gets the templates where I need them.