I am trying to clip nlcd data to a specific soil type and when I try to run the Clip Raster tool it either will not load or when it does and I can run it, it doesn't clip to just the area im trying to clip it to.
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Could it be that what appears to be a seamless raster, is actually composed of adjacent rasters?
Or, what is the source for the clip raster? is it a vector featureclass or a raster? Examine the extent of both to ensure that the clipper covers the extent of the raster you are trying to clip
You could also try Extract by Mask (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Could it be that what appears to be a seamless raster, is actually composed of adjacent rasters?
Or, what is the source for the clip raster? is it a vector featureclass or a raster? Examine the extent of both to ensure that the clipper covers the extent of the raster you are trying to clip
You could also try Extract by Mask (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
im not quiet sure what you mean about it being a seamless raster or composed of adjacent rasters. I am trying to clip a raster to a feature, but im more having an issue with it not loading or taking hours to load a single tool. I'll try the extract by mask this time around when arc finally stops loading again, i appreciate the help
If things are taking long to process, open up a new project and just add the two layers. If you can, save them locally. And in a perfect world they would be in the same coordinate system.
Examine their properties and report (extents, raster type and anything pertinent)
Nothing should take a long time in Pro unless you are forced to used data offsite (eg web-based), which introduces a whole new set of issues. Work local... thing global 😉
extracting by mask worked, thank you!