I have some questions I’d like to bounce around the community to make sure I have my facts straight and gain some insight into the upcoming retirement of ArcGIS Desktop and the new annual ArcGIS Pro cost structure. I talked briefly with an Esri rep about the annual costs of ArcGIS Pro licensing and it brought up a few more questions.
Our organization primarily relies on Attribute Assistant for a few of our larger projects. I would say we are at about 75% ArcGIS Pro and 25% ArcMap. In anticipation for 2026, we are working up a plan for the future when everything will need to be in ArcGIS Pro and the new annual subscriptions will start for us. Here’s where we have some of our largest issues with ArcGIS Pro.
Seems like a lot of simple tasks that should be available at a basic level for how much the annual costs are going to be, so I hope I’m missing something.
It is my understanding that ArcGIS Desktop will no longer be able to be purchased after this year and renewals will end by 2026. Questions I have are:
Thank you!
Attribute Rules being available on AGOL is something my organization would really like. We talk about it on a weekly basis. Enterprise and collaborations are too cumbersome and Attribute Rules should be streamlined straight to AGOL. With over 400 employees in our tribal government organization, having to give data collectors both Enterprise and AGOL accounts seems redundant and confusing for end users. The buy-in from these employees is crucial for our continued use of these ESRI applications. We would love to have an official timeline on when AGOL Attribute Rules will be deployed.