I have ~60 map projects that were just converted from ArcMap Desktop to ArcGIS Pro. In Desktop they all had two .mxd's per map, one in cmyk for print and the other in rgb for web. I would rather not have to go through all of them manually to change the setting to cmyk and then back.
I was wondering if there was a way to change that setting in arcpy and then I can just loop through all the Pro projects? The documentation on the project class doesn't seem to have any mention of Color Management so wasn't sure if I wasn't looking in the right spot or if it was even possible.
We discovered the exact same issue. Has there been a solution found yet? Thank you.
Unfortunately not, I don't think it is currently possible. Instead I wrote a script that exports a layout file (pagx) and then imports all the layouts into one project and then changed that project to CYMK manually and then looped through all the layouts and exported them as PDFs.