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Change on Education License from 5000 to 250

06-20-2023 09:16 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello everyone!

I've been trying to find the posts - but the customer rep told me that there should be a post somewhere on the ESRI Community about the education licenses (ie higher ed licenses) changing from 5000 to 250 users. In the event that we need more, we can always request more. I'm not on the higher-ed list serv, so I didn't receive the updates, and just curious about the details around the license updates.

Does anyone happen to know the links for these in the community forum? I've been doing some searches and looking through a bunch of the communities, but can't seem to find it.

Thank you for the help!

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1 Reply
MVP Esteemed Contributor

ArcMap Retirement in Education Programs - Esri Community

The mention of your numbers


In 2022-2023, depending on your license renewal date , the quantity of ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) licenses delivered by default with an Education Institution Agreement decreased from 5,000 to 250. Additional ArcMap licenses may be requested for specific needs.

... sort of retired...
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