Change Field Name/Alias in ArcGIS Pro v3.2 not working

12-05-2023 05:11 AM
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Frequent Contributor

I'm using ArcGIS Pro version 3.2.

There seems to be an issue when I rename a field in a feature class attribute table.  It will show that it's been changed/renamed as I'm working on it.  But when I remove it from the Map and then reload the feature class, the only change that was in effect was the Field Name but the Alias stays the same as the original alias.  

This messed up my class reclassifications several times.

Is this a bug?  Has anyone else experienced this?

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13 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @CaseyJustice - I'm using ArcGIS Pro 3.3.2 and ran a test to see if I could rename a field WITH attribute data in it AND have that newly renamed field "remembered" by ArcGIS Pro after I shut down the application and restarted a new project.  Not sure when (or if this is really a thing) but I was able to rename the field with attribute data, shut down, restart and it's there - the newly renamed field.  Since you're running ArcGIS Pro 3.1.1, can you test on some test data to see if you can or cannot do the same?  Please advise.

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Emerging Contributor

I experience this issue in ArcGIS Pro 3.3.0, however it only seems to occur when changing the case of letters in a field. In other words, changing 'ESRI_Field' to 'esri_field' looks like it works, but if I close and re-open the Fields View it reverts to the original uppercase version. This bug affects me both in Fields View and when using the Alter Field Tool.

A successful workaround I found was to:

  1. Open Fields View and locate the desired field (ex. 'ESRI_Field')
  2. Change the field to something entirely different (ex. 'notarealfieldname')
  3. Close and re-open Fields View
  4. Change the field to the desired name (ex. 'esri_field')

The field name seems to stick when following this workaround.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

@wtfineberg - your workaround worked for me.  I do wonder if this is a BUG certainly.  May be worth contacting Esri Support Services to work with an analyst to see if it's already catalogued as a bug or not. If not, then create one with the analyst so it's fixed in a future update.

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Regular Contributor

Running into the same issue. Tried all the solutions suggested here but nothing works. Using 3.2.1.

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