I want to transfer a row or rows to another attribute table. I know that I should use the join command, but the problem is that when I run the command, the error message Target *** is read-only appears. On the other hand, I cannot find the attribute table to change it from read-only mode. How do you think I can solve this problem?
append command
How can you do the join if you don't know where the table is
In the destination table select Data Design > Fields >
make sure Read only is not checked.
Thank you for your reply.
But unfortunately, despite unchecking the "read only" mode, the error message is repeated.
is your table being pulled in from a feature service?
Yes. A KML file has been converted into a Layer. Is this important for future operations on the "attribute tables"?
I had a similar problem, where I could not add any new fields into the table because it was in "read-only" mode or was "pending edits". What I was able to find out this morning is that you can go into the attribute table, click on any field, click "calculate field" and if there's a notification at the top of that menu that says "pending edits", just click "save" and it would allow me to edit the table afterwards.
I ran into a similar issue and my solution was to export the table under "data" in the right click menu. That created an identical table that I was able to manipulate.