Does anyone remember that handy little hack in ArcMap, where you could force a carriage return in a legend item by pasting the carriage return character into the label for a symbol?
Is there anything similar in ArcGIS Pro? I'm just looking for a super-speedy way to fit a legend around a shape on the map...
Arrange a legend—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation suggests word wrap is what you are looking for
Thanks @DanPatterson , but I don't really want word wrap, as I don't want a consistent width for the whole legend... just a few extra carriage returns to split some entries into two at particular places, does that make sense?
Drop the font size by 1 point. or the last time I had to do that, I think I converted to graphics, did the fixes, then grouped them back together... super-speedy 'tis not
Thanks @DanPatterson , yup I was hoping that there might be a similar little hack like the one that used to work... and wanted to avoid converting to graphics as I know it will change later on, but looks like that's going to be my best option.
Thanks again for the help,
You can add extra spaces to force the line break. Before the word you want on the new line, add as many as necessary to push the word until it wraps it onto the next line.