I'm trying to clone the default conda environment in ArcGIS Pro. I've tried through Pro, and also through the python command prompt. I've tried reinstalling Pro, installing Pro in E: (in case permissions were an issue on C:), updating permissions of affected directories, added relevant paths to the environmental variables. It always fails the same way. This is on a remote Windows Server machine. I've been able to clone the default env using a local PC (with the python command prompt, not through ArcGIS Pro's settings).
I've copied the command prompt messages to a text file (attached).
Main/first error message seem to be:
ERROR conda.core.link:_execute(730): An error occurred while installing package 'esri::jupyter_contrib_nbextensions-0.6.0-py_2'.
Rolling back transaction: doneLinkError: post-link script failed for package esri::jupyter_contrib_nbextensions-0.6.0-py_2
location of failed script: E:\arcgis_pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-clone\Scripts\.jupyter_contrib_nbextensions-post-link.bat
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
So to tie up my earlier posts, and for the record I now have my issue fixed. I should also say I am working on a local machine and not a remote Windows environment as per the original post. I responded as it was the exact same error message.
While fixed, I'm still not particularly clear what the root cause is/was, and suspect there is still a problem lurking in the background. The history of community posts concerning failed and broken cloned environments, and the various hack-arounds, would suggest as much.
To eventually get to the fix (well, my fix anyway) I tried:
Thanks to the community for posting their various issues and work-arounds for what seems to be an ongoing and perpetual problem. It helped me distill from the collective wisdom and stumble across the solution above.
While happy it's fixed, not happy to have my weekend written off, nor the spectre of this happening again in future!
The accepted answer to this post makes no sense.
Like 3 different attempts later I finally cloned my environment after the upgrade from Pro 3.0 to 3.2. The first attempt was through the Pro Package Manager, but for reasons I'll never know it failed twice. The second time I followed the post from DanPatterson and used the python command prompt, but it didn't finish because of an SSL error.
CondaSSLError: Encountered an SSL error. Most likely a certificate verification issue.
The third and final time I ran it from the prompt again, but this time I turned off ssl from within the arcgispro-py3 folder. Then I ran the clone command.
#turn off ssl
conda config --set ssl_verify false
#clone environment
conda create --clone arcgispro-py3 --name arcgispro_py3_clone --pinned
In this case you could also try adding a certificate: https://community.anaconda.cloud/t/ssl-certificate-verification-error-when-creating-conda-environmen...
Hi @JaredPilbeam2,
Sorry the accepted answer made no sense.
Sounds like you got a resolution though?!
Prior to the SSL error, did your initial clone attempts also fail while installing the package 'esri::jupyter_contrib_nbextensions-0.6.0-py_2'?, If so, do you have any insights on a root cause?
I had no SSL error's beyond the issues already outlined in this thread.
The "partial-clone-copy-and-paste-hack" solution that worked for me is ... a hack. I'd still be interested in understanding what the root cause is, though. I switch ArcGIS Pro licenses between two devices and have not upgraded Pro on my other device as I don't want the environment on that device to fall into the same state.
Reading through the log files myself and @JoelMcKechnie provided, it looks like there was a write failure while running a post-link script for that particular package. For some reason, it can't find the source file or directory it needs to write and/or doesn't have permissions to write it. This doesn't make sense to me: we're cloning a working environment, so if the source environment doesn't have the file, you'd think the source environment shouldn't work either. I ran the clone command as Administrator, so there should be no write permission problems. This write issue is why I went the copy-paste route following failed clone attempt.
The conda documentation says post-link scripts should be avoided whenever possible, so it's curious why they've been employed here. From the logs it appears it's primarily for validation purposes.
Maybe the way conda looks for packages is one avenue to explore as per this (old) Github Issues thread on post-link script errors? I can theoretically see how this could interfere with where conda looks for files during cloning. Could it be that where Anaconda, ESRI and jupyter are all at are not synced? Surely not...
I'm not overly familiar with how Anaconda as a package manager works, so lack the experience and context to guide and focus trouble shooting. I'm also conscious that my history of python environment and package installs - I'm not using virtual envs, they include jupyter and are not Anaconda - could be a source of conflict? Is that even possible?
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
Hi @mdub ,
The initial error I was getting was in the Package Manager in Pro. I got the red exclamation icon that said something like "attempt failed". I didn't screenshot it, unfortunately. And there was no error message or ID assigned the error, so I can't explain why it failed.
Hi @JaredPilbeam2,
Yep, those Package Manager error's are an information desert on their own.
I think if you hover your mouse over the red exclamation icon a context window appears after a pause with the same log file readout of the clone process that you would see in the command prompt if you had cloned that way.
It isn't obvious, particularly with the pause, but does make it possible to get a detailed readout of what went "not right" 🙂
I presume clone attempts etc, and their respective log files, are saved in the conda history. I'd have to do research to find if so and out how to get at it.
conda history
"C:\ install folder \bin\Python\envs\ clone_name \conda-meta\history"
opens in a text editor
Thanks 🙂
I had a look at my history file and it appears to be a summary of conda commands - and for clone commands - the packages installed. However it doesn't have the Traceback when it fails, as per the file I attached earlier in the thread. Is there a way to get this information? Is it stored somewhere else?
Isn't it a security risk to do
conda config --set ssl_verify false