I had this same error.
Before anyone having this error tries to completely uninstall and reinstall ArcGIS Pro (which is likely what tech support will ask you to do and won't work) I'd recommend cloning your default environment directly from the python command prompt. It's easy and just takes a minute. Simply run your python command prompt as an administrator by going to Start>ArcGIS>Python Command Prompt. Once running you will see your active Python environment listed.
Simply enter
conda create --clone <environment to clone> --name <new environment name>
for your <environment to clone> value, just enter the same active python environment that is already listed in the command prompt (ex: arcgispro-py3)
You can name your new environment whatever you'd like to call it.
press enter and wait while this new environment clones. Hopefully you will be able to successfully clone your default environment this way. When this is done running you can reload Pro and you should see your new environment listed. You can add modules or manipulate this environment as needed. You should also be able to clone this new environment directly from Pro moving forward.
Hopefully this helps.
I'm not sure what I did with Jupyter Notebook that messed things up but since cloning a Python environment is something I hardly ever do, this workaround is fine for me.