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Can fields be made conditionally visible when editing in Pro?

04-25-2023 04:15 PM
Frequent Contributor

I'd like to be able to replicate some of the functionality of Smart Forms in feature services in ArcGIS Pro. As the forms for feature services and maps do not carry over into Pro, is there a method (through contingent values, attribute rules, subtypes, or other) to replicate conditional visibility of fields?

For example, if the feature creator chooses Option A for the first field I don't even want them to be able to see the downstream fields that would be available for Option B. 

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @SFM_TravisBott 

Thank you for your question, the functionality of Smart Forms is not part of ArcGIS Pro and so some of the functionalities might be implemented in a different manner through ArcGIS Pro. 

I have included below some documentation that you mind useful in altering your ArcGIS Pro project to your needs. 

An overview of the Conditional toolset

- "The Conditional tools allow you to control the output values based on the conditions placed on the input values. The conditions that can be applied are of two types: queries on the attributes or a condition based on the position of the conditional statement in a list."

This is available with a Spatial Analyst license and an Image Analyst license.

You can also use Arcade expressions in charts if they are present - Use Arcade expressions in charts

Alongside this is the ability to create attribute rules and contingent values

I hope this helps with your query. 

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Frequent Contributor

@DanielFox1 thank you for the reply and the various links. 

Unfortunately they are not what I am looking for. 

Your opening line is where the problem lies: Esri spends so much time touting the interoperability of ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro. The thoughtlessness with which that interoperability is actually executed can be astounding at times. I understand that Smart Forms are not 'part of' Pro. And that's a mind boggling shame. If one can save a form with a layer in ArcGIS Online, the fact that that form does not carry through into Pro is a huge missed opportunity. Esri has so many hands in so many different pies and none of them talk to each other. 

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