Is there a setting that tells ArcGIS Pro to remember things like dialog box sizes and locations on the screen, the folder you last visited, etc.? ArcMap handles all of this beautifully. Everytime I resize a dialog box, say for a geoprocessing tool, ArcGIS Pro annoyingly puts it back into its default location and size. I find most of the dialog boxes WAY too small to see all the info without scrolling, and end up resizing many of them over and over and over again.
Same with file locations. The other day I was saving many layer files. I had to click down through all the folder locations EVERY SINGLE TIME. ArcMap would remember the last file location and go directly to the same folder.
I've run into many time-sucking features like this in Pro. Maybe I'm missing a setting somewhere.
In Catalog view, you can right click on folder or GDB locations and say 'Add to new projects' or 'Add to favorites'. This would at least let you shortcut to commonly used folders.
Good suggestion. I do actually have a bunch of "favorite" folders in catalog view, and it does cut down on some of the mouse clicking (Pro loves navigation via lots of mouse clicks), but still annoying that I still have to click through the same links every time.
Yes! I came here to add this to the ideas.
I'd like to resize the layer properties box and have it remember the size. I've got a large monitor and would like to use it! Resizing it every time is frustrating.
Bump, did you ever figure out how to maintain the size of a dialogue/geoprocessing pop up box?
I'm doing some repetitive imagery processing and resizing the box every time is mildly annoying
No solution yet. For years this function has been in all the other windows apps I use.
Arc Pro likes a LOT of mouse clicking and mouse moving. I still find Pro very clunky to use.
Thanks Pam... Maybe one day.
That's funny because ArcGIS Pro is supposed to have less mouse clicks than ArcMap...
Yes - I've found it to be the complete opposite.
Yes, totally agree! I resize the layer properties window constantly throughout the day and it is frustrating. I just want it to show up tall enough vertically to show the layer refresh setting (just below the Layer ID setting) on the General tab - which is always below the bottom of the window edge, plus there is no scroll bar.
I just tried to custom sort and the dialog box is too small to work with and will not let me resize it, is there a setting to make it bigger?