I would like to use modelbuilder and/or field calculator with arcade to extract To/From values at road intersections. I have 2 feature classes. A road centreline layer that is broken up at intersections and I used the Intersect tool to create points at each of the intersections containing the road names. How can I perform the following:
- iterate through the road centreline layer
- select points that intersect with each centreline
- for each point that has a Road_Name that is not the same as the centreline Road_Name, append each to the ToFrom field delimited by a comma (,)
For example, in my screen capture I would like the To/From field for my Wellington Main St. centreline to display MARY AVENUE , SKIFF COVE ROAD
Solved! Go to Solution.
Arcade is perfect for that.
// load the points
var points = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "Database.DataOwner.Intersection_Points", ["Road_Name"], true)
// get all points intersecting the current centreline
var points_on_feature = Intersects($feature, points)
// filter out all points that belong to this centreline
var road_name = $feature.Road_Name
var points_of_other_streets = Filter(points_on_feature, "Road_Name <> @road_name")
// maybe you want to sort?
points_of_other_streets = OrderBy(points_of_other_streets , "Road_Name")
// iterate through all remaining points and extract the road name
var road_names = []
for(var p in points_of_other_streets) {
Push(road_names, p.Road_Name)
// concatenate and return
return Concatenate(road_names, ",")
You can use that expression in the Calculate Field tool. Or, to make it automatic, you could create a Calculation Attribute Rule that calculates the value each time you create (and/or update) a centreline.
Arcade is perfect for that.
// load the points
var points = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "Database.DataOwner.Intersection_Points", ["Road_Name"], true)
// get all points intersecting the current centreline
var points_on_feature = Intersects($feature, points)
// filter out all points that belong to this centreline
var road_name = $feature.Road_Name
var points_of_other_streets = Filter(points_on_feature, "Road_Name <> @road_name")
// maybe you want to sort?
points_of_other_streets = OrderBy(points_of_other_streets , "Road_Name")
// iterate through all remaining points and extract the road name
var road_names = []
for(var p in points_of_other_streets) {
Push(road_names, p.Road_Name)
// concatenate and return
return Concatenate(road_names, ",")
You can use that expression in the Calculate Field tool. Or, to make it automatic, you could create a Calculation Attribute Rule that calculates the value each time you create (and/or update) a centreline.
That worked perfectly, thank you! I just reworked the last couple lines to remove duplicated road names on dead end roads (i.e. a dead end road that intersects wellington main st. would have a value of WELLINGTON MAIN ST, WELLINGTON MAIN ST)
// remove repeating road names i.e. for dead end roads
var unique_name = Distinct(road_names)
// concatenate and return
return Concatenate(unique_name, ", ")