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Calculate geometry failing when attempting to create new columns while having a join

08-14-2023 06:06 AM
Occasional Contributor

I try to Calculate geometry and attemptedto create new columns while having a join.I always get the error:

ERROR 001486: Cannot use fields from joined tables.

How is the correct way to define that the columns are supposed to be added to the shapefile, not the joined table? I tried both just the new column name and layername.columnname.  The names do not exist in the joined table.

4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Add Join (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

If you are joining to the shapefile, it is the destination and you can only add fields to it, not the table you are joining to it.

If you are doing something different, you will need to elaborate

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The problem is, that when calculating geometry, I cannot add a column to the shapefile while I have a joined table. I get the error that suggest that I try to add to the joined table. So I am wondering, if I have to write the column names differently or is it a bug?

My workaround is to remove all joins, calculate the geometry into new columns, reapply the join.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Try doing the join to a featureclass in a file geodatabase rather than a shapefile, you will get some of the geometry attributes by default which you can copy to new fields if needed before saving to a shapefile.

Bugs listed on the Support site if you want to see if any match

Esri Support Search Results

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Occasional Contributor

It is one of those pfoperties that are not automatically calculated in a .gdb. As a workaround it is easiest, just to remove the join and reapply it.


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