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Bug - map series that shows unique value symbology expression

11-19-2018 08:55 AM
Frequent Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 2.2.4

Repo steps below.

  1. Add a feature class to map, symbolize by unique values.
  2. In the "Field 1" dropdown, set a custom expression using Arcade. I simply concatenated 2 text fields using ", ". I dont' think the expression matters though, just so your using it
  3. Add map to a layout, set up a simple map series
  4. Expand the legend item in the layout, select the feature class where you set the unique value symbology expression.
  5. In the Element Pane, check "only show features visible in the map extent". In the dropdown under that you can select either option "within map frame" or "within map series".
  6. The legend does not update, all features in the above feature class are shown, (not filtered by map frame extent) this is the issue.
  7. If you remove the custom expression from the symbology in #2 above, everything works as expected
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Dan, 

I believe this is a known bug captured in BUG-000116327 In Legend Properties, the 'Only show features visible in the map extent' option fails to function when a feature class is symbolized using unique values in more than one field.

This bug also affects other renderers, such as graduated color, that use expressions (see BUG-000118169 When symbolizing the layer with an ‘ARCADE EXPRESSION’ in graduated colors, the legend in the layout does not show correct number of features present in each category in ArcGIS Pro.)

Hopefully, we can address this issue in the near future.

Thanks for the feedback.
