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Branch Versioning

02-27-2020 06:47 AM
Frequent Contributor

Not sure if this is the right place for this question, we are looking at using branch versioning instead of traditional versioning and noticed a big limitation. 

With traditional versioning we create a child version from Default called QA/QC and then another child version from QA/QC called Editor. This allows our organization to have a QA process before data is reconciled to default. 

With Branch versioning this workflow is not possible, versions can only be created from default prohibiting the organization from having a QA version. 

Am I missing something to allow this middle version to be created? If this is in fact a limitation, is there any thought to allow a version to be created from a version in branch versioning?

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

While my versioning requirements here are minimal, I try to use what is best for varied requirements. The DEFAULT is / has been what is put out there for Feature Layers. Previously "unversioned" with editing, "Feature Access" opened up, now Portal helps manage some security for that. Now Branch Versioning enables time-control(?) of Feature Layer editing, and also with release of Pro v2.5 caching of non-Branched Feature layer edits can be undone, well there are some capabilities I am testing with PostGres w/ Pro 2.5, Pro 2.3x (third party support  requirements), Portal 10.6.1, web apps, even ArcMap (has no idea what branched versioning is). When publishing, version management can be enabled for branch versioned feature layers, some capabilities are enabled you may be looking for.

I have been able to, as I just did it without seeing red - so far, versioned one feature dataset as "Traditional" versioning, with another feature dataset as "Branch" versioning, using two different geodatabase connections to the same PostGres enterprise geodatabase. 

Still testing, no idea if supported, but:

Theoretically you can enjoy the control, QA/QC of traditional versioning, and have some control of Feature Layer types of edit flows with branch versioning. Just not within the same feature dataset.

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Esri Contributor

Hi Aaron,

You are correct - Branch Versioning does not support "grand-child" versions; therefore, the QA/QC workflow you are describing is not possible. With Branch Versioning, the recommended workflow to achieve a similar experience would be the change the ownership of the Editor version to a Version Administrator (user with elevated privileges) to complete the QA/QC process, who can then post to the Default version when the process is complete.

Hope this helps!
