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Bing Aerial Basemaps Broken Link in ArcGIS Pro 2.0

08-08-2017 01:54 PM
Regular Contributor

Hey GeoNet,

I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.0.  When I try to add the Bing Aerial basemap that I have (licensed and am able to use) in a Map within Pro, the basemap adds with the red exclamation mark indicating a broken link.  In ArcGIS for Desktop 10.5 and Portal for ArcGIS 10.3, this Bing Aerial basemap is able to be used without an issue.  Has anyone encountered a similar issue or have any suggestions?  Thanks so much!

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2 Replies
MVP Alum

What license type are you using for ArcGIS Pro 2.0?

  • Named User licenseArcGIS Pro is licensed through an organizational account on ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS. If the license is through ArcGIS Online (the default option), licensing software is not required because ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based service provided by Esri. If the license is through Portal for ArcGIS, installation of Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 or later is recommended and ArcGIS License Manager 10.5.1 or later is required.
  • Concurrent Use license—ArcGIS License Manager 10.5.1 or later is required to manage ArcGIS Pro 2.0 licenses.
  • Single Use license—No additional software is required for licensing.

Have you been able to configure ArcGIS Pro with Portal for ArcGIS? Then you could perform the following steps, as described by Shaun Dodson‌ in Is it possible to add Bing Basemaps in ArcGIS Pro? Instead of ArcGIS Online, you could use your Portal for ArcGIS.

We figured it out, though it seemed like kind of a round-about way to do so.  What we did was logged into our org portal.  Then we created and saved 3 blank webmaps to our ArcGIS Online account.  One with Bing Maps as basemap, one with Bing Aerials, and one with Bing Hybrid.  Once the 3 webmaps were saved, we shared them to the "Bing" Group that we had created in order to get Bing basemaps to work through ArcGIS Online.   Once we did that, those 3 maps showed up as basemap options in ArcGIS Pro.  Hope this helps... 

Think Location
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Regular Contributor

Thank you for the response, Jayanta.  I am using a Named User license and I did configure Pro with our Portal.  I previously used the steps you suggested when adding Bing Aerial to my organization's basemaps.  The Bing Aerial basemap shows up as an option under "Basemaps", but once I click it to add it to the map the Bing Aerial basemap comes in with a broken link.  Thanks again!