I am trying a simple query to look for accidental lower case errors. For example Pf098788 should be PF098788.
I made a simple query UPPER(UnknownCode) <> UnknownCode and I get no results. If I try UPPER(UnknownCode) = UnknownCode I get everything.
Layer us a AGOL Hosted feature service.
What am I missing here?
You have tried this against AGOL hosted feature services in the past and it worked?
Nope never tried this exact query. Used others just fine though.
Not to ask the obvious, but you know there are accidental lowercase records?
Yea I have been manually changing them all day. My guess is UPPER is not working right since if I use = it gives me AF and Af back. <> I get 0 records.
I just did some testing and see what you mean. I don't think the issue is UPPER because if I do something like UPPER(field) = 'XYZ', I get 'xyz' and 'XYZ' returned. I think the issue has something to do with referencing the field on the right-hand size of the SQL statement.
Hi Doug,
Are you doing this calculation via ArcGIS Pro or in AGOL? In AGOL, the calculation for SQL is simply UPPER(<field name>).
I used the following example SQL to calculated the hosted feature layer field in Pro as well.
If using Select by attributes, I can certainly see the issue.
Best of luck,
Not a field calc - this is a Def Query.
I did notice it keeps defaulting to SQL for field calc, which is weird. Is there a setting to make this default to Python.
By definition, SQL Server is case insensiitve. Is that perhaps what you are missing?
If you Def Query a SQL server then yes. If you Def Query a GDB then no it is case sensitive. The backend of AGOL is neither i think. I could see that it may act that way though. If I try to use COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS it says invalid SQL.