I want to write a polygon shapefile from a dictionary with vertices coordinates using arcpy, here is my code:
def _getShp (inFC, outFC, vertices):
# this is the method using arcpy
# Create a new polygon feature class using coordinates.
# Each coordinate entry is in the format of {ID: [(X1,Y1), (X2,Y2)....]}
cur = None
# Create the output feature class
# Access spatial reference of template to define spatial
# reference of geometries
spatial_reference = arcpy.Describe(inFC).spatialReference
# Open an insert cursor for the new feature class
cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outFC, ["SHAPE@"])
# Create an array object needed to create features
# Initialize a variable for keeping track of a feature's ID.
# ID = -1
for fid in range(len(vertices.keys())):
array = arcpy.Array()
# Add the point to the feature's array of points
# If the ID has changed, create a new feature
for i in range(len(vertices[fid])):
array.add(arcpy.Point(vertices[fid][i][0], vertices[fid][i][1], ID=fid))
polygon = arcpy.Polygon(array, spatial_reference)
except Exception as e:
# Clean up the cursor if necessary
if cur:
del cur
The problem is that it writes my file wrong. Instead of positive number of X coordinate it writes a negative number, while the Y coordinate stays the same, e.g. the coordinates were around +381462 and became -367560. The coordinate system is WGS 39N. In the end I have got a wrong location. What's wrong could be in the code? Please find a screenshots in attached, but don't look at the polygons' shape, it is another problem I am aware of it 🙂
not too sure, can you try assigning the spatial reference with an EPSG code rather than a template?
also in:
array.add(arcpy.Point(vertices[fid][i][0], vertices[fid][i][1], ID=fid))
I guess it should be "ID" not ID (which you have as a variable set to -1 - also not sure what that ID of -1 is meant to be doing).
Finally please use the code formatting available to make it readable, all the indents are gone in what you've posted.
Code formatting ... the Community Version - GeoNet, The Esri Community is the link for formatting
Thank you very much! 🙂