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ArcGIS Pro Won't Recognize Photo Attachments

09-15-2023 06:54 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

I have a series of photo attachments for a series of locations in the form of STX, GDBINDEX, GDBTABLE, FREELIST, HORIZON, and SPX files (54 total; screengrab below of most of them). However, I can't get ArcGIS to read the files, or even recognize them; the folder they're in keeps showing up as blank in the catalog pane, and when I try to drag them in it tells me it's an unsupported data type, without any further explanation. I'd appreciate any insight, thanks.



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9 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

I may be missing the mark here, but it looks like you are showing what's inside a file geodatabase folder. Have you tried putting your photos outside of the geodatabase? What kind of message are you seeing (or not seeing) to indicate that Pro can't see your attachments?

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New Contributor II

I just got the files off a flash drive in this format, and have struggled to open them with any program, let alone ArcGIS Pro. The message from ArcGIS says "Requested operation is not supported by this service, the requested capability is not supported, bad syntax in request," then "Failed to add data, unsupported data type."

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MVP Honored Contributor

Are these attachments related to points, or other geometry, in a feature class in your geodatabase? Do you have the photos in the form of a separate file?

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New Contributor II

I only have the files in the folder above. They are supposed to correspond to a series of wells, but I haven't figured out how to open or manipulate them in any way. 

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MVP Honored Contributor

What you are showing is a File Geodatabase. I assume the folder you have has the file extension of .gdb. You need to open ArcGIS Pro, go to Add Data and navigate to the folder containing the Geodatabase. In there, you should see the feature classes that hopefully contain photo attachments.

For a more stepwise approach, take a look at this help article:


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New Contributor II

I'd been trying that, but the folder keeps showing up as empty in ArcGIS Pro when I navigate to it in the catalog pane, even though the files show up in the file explorer outside of ESRI, as shown in the screenshot above.

MVP Honored Contributor

If it's not too sensitive, can you share a zipped up file of the geodatabase here? 

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New Contributor II

Ncancalo,  I am having the same issue.  Have you found a solution or workaround? 


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MVP Regular Contributor

Dumb question, but what is the name of the folder they're in?

Pro won't recognize a file geodatabase unless the folder ends with ".gdb"

That may be your issue.


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