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ArcGIS Pro Reading Different Data Versions

10-21-2022 08:07 AM
New Contributor

This is probably a carried-forward bug, but as I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2, Pro still has a problem in reading a newer version of a file with the same name to the project, e.g., CSV file, and identify and update to the new content.

Example: I first add a csv table with four fields: NAME, RANK, TSYSTEM, and CLASS, and let's say that the name of the file is Links_Func_Class.csv.

Now, I removed this file from my project, and modified the file to have only 2 fields; RANK, and CLASS. When I add the newer version of the file, Pro still reads the older file with the four fields. The only solution is to close the project and then read the file again. (Refreshing doesn't help much). And even after that, when I try to export the table to my geodatabase, the older four fields are there.



Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks

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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor III

Try renaming the new csv file to say: Link_Func_Class_CSV1.csv -> add it and run it through Export Table.

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