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ArcGIS Pro "Convert Labels to Annotation" hanging

07-28-2017 02:01 PM
New Contributor

I am attempting to convert some labels on a map to annotations in ArcGIS Pro 2.0 using the new Convert Labels to Annotation tool, and the system is hanging for 10+ minutes every open that tool or attempt to change the tool settings ("Input Map", "Output Geodatabase", etc.). This is a fairly big project, but the map I have open is simple- only 10 layers, 4 of which contain labels. We're talking ~18 labels total. 

I tried starting a brand new project just to test the tool, and everything ran very quickly, so what is causing the tool to hang on my project? I suppose a better question is: what is the Convert Labels to Annotation tool attempting to access when it opens? Every map within a project (open or closed)? Every GDB associated with a project? 

22 Replies
Regular Contributor

This issue is certainly not resolved in 2.8. It still takes a few minutes to convert labels to annotation, even a single label. It doesn't seem like you need to take a look at people's data, it seems to happen with all data all the time?

If you really think it would help solve the issue I can share my data, it is one polygon with one simple label, and converting it to annotation takes upwards of 30 minutes sometimes, or it never completes.

When you convert a label to annotation, you specify the layer to convert, why does it lock every layer during the process? See screenshot. It's like the tool doesn't just look at the layer you specify, it almost seems like it is going through every single layer in the map and looking for labels to convert, even though when (if) it eventually finishes it only produces the desired annotation.


One other thought would be the extent you set it to. When you set this extent, is this the extent it looks across for labels in the specified layer, or is this the valid extent it can place annotation? I tend to set a large area for this extent, because I have ran into the issue of trying to move annotation and getting the error it is out of the valid extent.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

We logged the bug in reference , via our local Esri vendor, and have been notified it's apparently fixed in ArcGIS Pro 2.9. A rather large dataset was provided to esri at the time, as the processing times were blowing out significantly in comparison to ArcMap. The process we have creates annotations for our countrywide cadastre, which over 4 different scales is ~4 million parcel labels.

Regular Contributor

This is happening to me again in 2.9.3. Simple 20 labels on 20 lines took 5+ mins to run. I took a good 4+ mins after I clicked run for the messages to even log "start time".

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Esri Notable Contributor

Jimmy - a couple things to try.  Create a new file geodatabase and copy/paste the feature class to that geodatabase, and in a new ArcGIS Pro project,  label your features exactly as you did in the other project.  Then convert the labels to annotation.  Save your project to a temporary location.  What is the time result?

Next thing to try is to rename your Esri folder in your C:\users\<user_profile>\appdata\local and C:\users\<user_profile>\appdata\roaming to Esri_Old.  Then reload the saved *.aprx and try the workflow again.  What is the time result?

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Occasional Contributor

I'm still getting this issue in 2023, I'm converting 3 boundary labels but it takes more than 15 mins to run. I will be using a brand new project to see if it helps.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Christy - sorry to hear you're experiencing this anomoly.  15 minutes for 3 labels is not expected behavior.  It should take a second or two from my testing.  My guess is that the project is corrupted so testing on a new project is worthwhile.  Secondly, maybe your file geodatabase is corrupted.  You can run the Recover File Geodatabase GP tool to see if this helps performance.  Thirdly, I would rename the ESRI folders in the previously mentioned post and see if that helps as well.

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New Contributor

It's 2024,  running 3.1.2. My features are stored in an Enterprise Standard database. There are 50 lines in the featureclass, I have a definition query limiting it to 9 features. Converting either to annotation or to graphics takes over 30min. 

I've been using the Arcmap work around... glad I still have it licensed on my machine. 


0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

Here I am May 2024, and this is still an issue... first the tool takes forever to open for inputs, and then it takes forever when you run it. Also, can't append to existing anno datasets like you could in ArcMap. VERY frustrating for work that has lots of labels that need to be moved around.

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Esri Notable Contributor

@BrookeAumann - sorry this process is taking a very long time to complete. This is not expected behavior for sure nor is it my experience using ArcGIS Pro 3.2.x.  I would strongly recommend that you contact Esri Support Services to create a case and work with an analyst to resolve this issue and/or create a BUG for this workflow.

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New Contributor

June 2024, on Pro 3.2.1, and the symptoms and results are the same for me as described by everyone else here.  To say this is an anomaly is ridiculous.   Doesn't matter which workstation, which update, what data set, how many layers, how many records, it hangs forever.  This is a bug, clearly, and if it was fixed before, its broken again. 


If it doesn't effect every user, then we need to isolate what commonality is causing it, could be as simple as the feature layer label starts with the character "2", or the input map you select has a different coordinate system than the selected feature later and its taking longer to translate. (These are random stabs in the dark, because I don't know.) Some combination of variables causes this to happen, very commonly.  


I have noticed the tool does NOT hang for me prior to running if you set all the parameters BEFORE selecting the Input Map. 

For example I fill out the fields from the bottom up, starting with Output Layer, then I select Convert unplaced labels, then I select my extents, the output geo database, then select single layer and select the feature layer, then I select the conversion scale, and FINALLY when I select the input map, it spins and spins for 2 to 10 minutes before I can even run the tool.  I find it funny that it allows me to select a feature layer prior to selecting an input map.


Once its done hanging, I am able to run the tool, which can vary from 2 to 20 minutes, sits on 2% completed, jumps to 100%....several times....and then sits updating. 

Then eventually finishes and unlocks the rest of the remaining layers. Even in situations where is spits out a warning about no applicable records in the scale (002847: No labels to convert. There are no feature layers that are labeled at the conversion scale.).  It will present the warning, and spin updating for like 10 minutes prior to finalizing.(What is it doing if it clearly indicated there are no records...what's to finalize?)

If I do not leave the geoprocessing pane, the convert labels to annotation tool will try to refresh itself with the current settings after anything I click in ArcGIS.  For example if I deselect a layers visibility, the tool refreshes, if I change to the edit ribbon.....the tool refreshes. This could be expected behavior, however...bugs are all in the details.

In the last 4 weeks I have used this tool with many data sets of varying sizes, created/produced by many different sources, using many different coordinate systems, in many different project files (created independent of each other) also I have these same results on multiple workstations.


It is only this geo processing tool, all others work with all data sets in an expedited manner, regardless of their size, coordinate system, workstation.  This is the only geoprocessing tool that this happens to, constantly.


I hope any of this description helps someone narrow this down because this thread was opened in 2017, its 2024.....thats 7 years.  It only took the US 8 years and 2 months to send mankind to the surface of the moon, and that was 55 years ago.  I understand you can't fix something if you can't replicate it yourself, but just because you can't replicate it yourself, doesn't mean it isn't a genuine issue for users.  Be annoyed at my post because you think you know better than me, but if this wasn't a bug, you wouldn't have a 7-year-old post with people still suffering from such a simple request, experiencing the same results.


P.S.  I shouldn't have to open another bug when there is one.  Even if someone believes its fixed.

BUG-000121190 for ArcGIS Pro (