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ArcGIS Pro loses connection to mouse input

10-06-2021 12:41 PM
Occasional Contributor


Has anyone had the experience where ArcGIS Pro suddenly loses the ability to receive input from the mouse? Occasionally, my ArcGIS Pro project will get into a mode where I need to shut it down using the task manager because any click event on the screen results in the last tool I used being activated despite where I am clicking. 

For example, I click the 'Select' tool on the Map ribbon, and select a polygon in the map. Then all subsequent clicks result in selecting that same polygon. When I click the 'x' to close the application, the polygon flashes as if it has been selected again. At this point, I need to close the application using the task manager.

I have the latest release, and this behaviour occurs across multiple .aprx files, so I don't think it is a corrupt file.




16 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

No.  Try switching your mouse.  If you use bluetooth, try another one or a wired mouse.  At least it will rule out hardware

... sort of retired...
Occasional Contributor

That is a good suggestion but other applications that are open continue to work with the mouse. I should have mentioned that in my post.

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Occasional Contributor

This is a common occurrence for me and my coworkers.  It happens to us both in Pro and Desktop. I don't believe it's actually a mouse issue, but the software gets stuck on a tool.  The pointer can still be moved around with the mouse but you can't click on anything because it's stuck on the zoom tool, or whatever tool you happened to be using at the time.  Sometimes closing down and opening back up works, sometimes not. Most of the answers on this forum have something to do with disabling anti-virus software, but that's not something I've ever attempted as I don't have control over that sort of thing on a work computer, and I don't think my IT department would be too happy with doing that. Another thing that has been suggested, and has worked sometimes for me, is randomly pressing different letters on the keyboard.  Sometimes it's the letter C, sometimes it's a different letter.  Sounds crazy, but it can work. Sorry this is such a long, non-specific answer but I just wanted to let you know you're not alone and it's probably not your mouse! 

Occasional Contributor

Thanks for this Heather. Interesting that this is occurs in both Desktop and Pro as I thought maybe it was a Pro bug but I guess not. I will try the random-keyboard approach next time to see if that helps before I shut down the application. I have also noticed that occasionally I will get a mysterious hand icon in Pro that looks like a design from Desktop. Once the hand appears, the tools stop working correctly. 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Are you working with locally stored data (aka, on your machine)? or data housed elsewhere or networked?

If you can spend some time mousing-around with locally stored data and all is good, then the issues extend beyond your machine and mouse

... sort of retired...
Occasional Contributor

Another good point Dan. In my case though, I keep the data local as the VPN that I go through to get to the server can really slow down performance when accessing the data.  

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

hmmmmm maybe the mouse is telling you are working to hard and you should slow down 😉

... sort of retired...
Frequent Contributor

Having the exact same issue, out of the blue.  Best described in my case by @HeatherFox1.  Really weird.  I've had to "turn on and off" 3 times today.  In my case, it's the Explore tool.  Not actually using it btw, just seems when these symptoms occur all I can do is click the map and the Explore tool window opens.  I can hover over whatever and see popups.  My solution is to open task manager and end program.  Any solutions?  Be nice to make it through a 3 day stretch without encountering software issues.  Thanks.  Zach.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

can't find any mention of it on the issues reported on the support site, maybe no one reported it 

The only thing remotely close was

BUG-000144222: When working fast in ArcGIS Pro, the user interface .. (

which suggests that people are working too hard and too fast 😉

... sort of retired...
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