When sharing a map package from ArcMap, I understand that it is important to set up the map document to preserve layer and table IDs via the checkbox "Allow assignment of unique ID's for map service publishing" under the map frame properties.
After that is enabled, a Layer ID is visible in each Layer's properties.
How is the assignment of Layer IDs enabled in ArcGIS Pro when sharing a Web Map?
I also have this question - thanks for any info re layer IDs in ArcGIS Pro.
I have the same question as well, I couldn't find the option to set Layer ID .
Did anyone find an answer?
For the benefit of others who find this page:
In ArcGIS Pro, this option is called "Allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for sharing web layers": https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/help/sharing/overview/introduction-to-sharing-web-layers.htm#ESRI_...