ArcGIS Pro I Can't Edit Layer Because Active Edit Tool is Filtering Selection

01-25-2022 06:39 AM
Regular Contributor

ArcGIS Pro version 2.8.0.

I have a line layer in our SQL database that I am trying to edit.  It is the only layer in a project.  I am in an editable version of the database. There is no definition query on the layer.  The coordinate system for the project matches the layer.

I click the Edit tab and then click the "Edit Vertices" tool.  I then click on the portion of the line layer I am trying to edit and I get the "Active Edit tool is filtering the selection.  Deactivate tool to restore the selection." pop up.  The line is never available to edit.  

I tried selecting the line segment to edit and then click the "Edit Vertices" tool and the line deselects and I can't edit the line.

A different line layer and a polygon layer in the same SQL database work fine and I can edit the layers with both of the above methods of selecting the layer to edit.  

This is happening on my main computer and on a VM.

Edit: I can edit this layer in ArcMap 10.2.

Edit 2:  I edited the layer in ArcMap and restarted my computer.  I can now edit the line in ArcGIS Pro.  I don't know if the the computer restart or editing the layer in ArcMap fixed the problem.

I am at a loss here.  I have been able to edit this layer in the past.

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6 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Yea that's weird, strange behavior like that is often fixed with a reboot... I would suggest updating your version to ArcGIS Pro 2.8.4 or 2.9.1

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Regular Contributor

What was really strange is that a VM we have for working with GIS remotely did exactly the same thing with that layer.  

I already put a ticket in for the upgrade.  I noticed when I put the version in that I was behind quite a bit.


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Esri Notable Contributor

Viewing the internals, customers have seen this error message when ArcGIS Pro is logged out of their Enterprise portal when the edit update occurred.  Can you confirm that you're logged into your ArcGIS Enterprise portal (if you're using this workflow of course)? 

Other reasons for this error message is if the data has been copied out from one feature dataset (for geometric network) to another feature dataset (for a topology), then this can throw the error message. 

Lastly, there BUG-000140935:  Active edit tool is filtering the selection.  Deactivate the tool to restore the selection.  This was observed in ArcGIS Pro 2.6.3 and last version reproduced at 2.8.1.  To test this, you could upgrade to ArcGIS Pro. 2.9.0 to see if the error persists.

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Regular Contributor

I didn't even think of that.  I was not signed into our Portal.

The data was not copied.

Yep, @Anonymous User suggested the same and I noticed that myself when checking my version number from the original post.  I have submitted a ticket here at work and hope to be upgraded soon.

Thanks for the information!

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New Contributor

We just had this issue, and as embarrassing as it is to admit this, in the contents pane under the edit section make sure you have the layer you are trying to edit turned on. GISAdmin49_0-1654270545750.png



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Emerging Contributor

I had a similar issue with the same message using road centrelines that I wanted to flip a geometry direction for increasing address range.  I use a versioned Enterprise Geodatabase on SQL Server V. 2012 I think that I share use between ArcMap 10.8.1 and ArcGIS Pro 3.0.0.  The only way I could get it to work was to version the layer in ArcMap then ArcGIS Pro could edit it.  I could not get it to version properly and therefore edit in ArcGIS Pro. 

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