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ArcGIS Pro Creating Scale dependent Symbology by modifying the .lyrx file

07-15-2020 07:33 AM
New Contributor II

In ArcGIS Pro, there is the option to symbolize a feature dependent on scale. I have several maps I am looking to convert and want to modify the .lyrx file (is JSON format) to accept these alternate symbols.

with an open JSON and a simple dataset I found the alternateSymbols list in


when i try to import my other symbols with minScale and maxScale Values, i get nothing.

If I just dump them into 'classes' they DO show in arcmap, but are not scale dependenent.

this is the function I am using a the moment

def outload_into_one_file(detail, normal):

    detail = detail
    normal = normal
    out_file = os.path.splitext(normal)[0] + "_COMBINED.lyrx"
    with open (detail , "r") as jsonFile:
        detail_data = json.load(jsonFile)

    with open (normal , "r") as jsonFile:
        normal_data =   json.load(jsonFile)

    detail_base = detail_data['layerDefinitions'][0]
    detail_classes = detail_base['renderer']['groups'][0]['classes']
    normal_base = normal_data['layerDefinitions'][0]
    normal_classes = normal_base['renderer']['groups'][0]['classes']
    detail_classes_dict = {}
    for x in detail_classes:
        detail_classes_dict.update({x["label"]: x})
    for x in normal_classes:  
        x['maxScale'] = 251
        x['minScale']= 3000
    for x in normal_classes:
        cls = detail_classes_dict.get(x['label'])
        cls['alternateSymbols'] = []
    with open(out_file, "w") as jsonFile:
        json.dump(detail_data, jsonFile)
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