Hi, I'm trying to connect to a PostgreSQL database through ArcGIS Pro. I'm using a localhost version of Postgres while I test workflows. We have QGIS and ArcGIS users in the organisation and want them both to be able to access the same databases. I have ArcGIS Pro 3.1.0 and I have tried two different instances of PostgreSQL. PotsgreSQL 11 with PostGIS 3.3 and PostgreSQL 14 with PostGIS 3.2. With both I can setup the database connection and receive no error messages when connecting, but when I expand the database in the table of contents it appears empty despite there being tables in there. In QGIS the connection work perfectly.
Any tips would be appreciated.
Are you using the same connection information UN / PW in Pro as QGIS?
In my connections with PostgreSQL, I can see what the user has access to. If you have user with (superuser) then they can see many other items that some could not.