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ArcGIS Pro and Arc Field Maps Connectivity

3 weeks ago
New Contributor

Hi everyone! I am looking for some advice on a project I am about to start. I am mapping the outdoor lighting assets on a college campus and there are well over 1k individual assets. These points already exist in ArcGIS Pro but they do not have any data connected to them other than XY coordinates. To collect the data I need for each asset I am planning on using Arc Field Maps. I am wondering if it is possible to import points into Arc Field Maps from ArcGIS Pro so when I am out recording the data for each asset I could just click on the pre-existing point, have the form I created pop up, add the data I need, and have that data appear in Pro. The reason I am going about this in a somewhat backwards way is because I need to preserve the original accurate coordinates of the points currently in Pro. Let me know if this is possible or if there's a better way of going about this. Thanks!

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1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor

So, I'm assuming your workflow for this is something like:

  • Upload points with the fields you need to AGOL, creating a hosted feature service
  • Put points in WebMap
  • Collect information through FieldMaps

If this is the case, Good news! You can just add that hosted feature service to your map in Pro through the Catalog Pane or the Add Data button. Just don't forget to download it to a local copy when your project's done.

It sounds like you want to preserve the "template" or "raw" data, so this will let you make the edits you need in a copy while preserving the original.

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