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Arc GIS Pro Bug - Linework not appearing & Edits not saving

02-26-2024 07:53 AM
Emerging Contributor


I'm fairly new to GIS so if my lingo is a little off, that's why.  Sorry.

I am having troubles with my ArcGIS Pro.  Starting a couple weeks ago, the layer I have been editing has been disappearing at random while I am editing it.  It is a web hosted feature layer and is a large layer.  To work around this, I have been saving my edits and my project, and then closing my ArcGIS Pro and reopening it.  While this solves the problem with the layers, my edits have not been saved despite me saving edits and the project before closing it.  


I'm wondering if anyone has any solutions or ideas why this is happening.  My first thought is that there could be a corrupted file involved somewhere, but I'm not sure where or how to find it.  My other thought is to report it to ESRI, which is what I will do if it turns out not to be a corrupted file.


Thank you,



1 Reply
Esri Contributor

I am sorry to hear that. If the web-hosted layer is your edit-data, could you recheck your internet connection first?

Then, if it's in the ArcGIS Enterprise hosted layer probably there is something wrong with the server, you could clarify it to your Administrator. 

If the edit does not save after you save it, you could recheck first in the hosted layer in the Content Menu either in AGOL or ArcGIS Portal. Try to edit the web map first, if it is saved probably there is an internet connection issue with your computer.

Hope it helps you


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