I have a bunch of address points that all over the place and not in a line. I want to be able to clean these up and put them in a straight line. I want to be able to highlight the address points I want to straighten and snap them to a line or just put them in a straight line.
Things I have tried -
I have snaping them to a street line then moving them. But that will not keep them evenly separated.
I have tried using the Disperse tool, but some address points are to far out of the search area when setting minimum spacing.
I have tried the Align Features tool, but that doesn't seem to work.
Thanks in advance
Here's one way to do it:
import numpy
def straighten_points(layer, fit_degree=1):
"""Snaps all (selected) points in a layer to a regression line. This edits the input layer!
layer: layer name (str) or layer object (arcpy.mp.Layer)
fit_degree (int): degree of the polynomal fit, defaults to 1 (linear regression)
sr = arcpy.Describe(layer).spatialReference
# extract point coordinates
points = [r[0].firstPoint for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(layer, ["SHAPE@"])]
x = [p.X for p in points]
y = [p.Y for p in points]
# polynomial fit
coef = numpy.polyfit(x, y, fit_degree)
polynom = numpy.poly1d(coef)
# construct fit line geometry
fit_xy = [
[x_, polynom(x_)]
for x_ in numpy.linspace(min(x) - 1000, max(x) + 1000, 100)
fit_points = [arcpy.Point(fx, fy) for fx, fy in fit_xy]
line = arcpy.Polyline(arcpy.Array(fit_points), spatial_reference=sr)
# snap points to regression line geometry and update layer
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(layer, ["SHAPE@"]) as cursor:
for p, in cursor:
new_p = line.snapToLine(p)
straighten_points("NameOfYourLayer", 1)
After (northern road: fit_degree = 1, southern road: fit_degree = 2: