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Adding XY data to ArcGIS Pro table data as a point in version 3.2.2

04-17-2024 11:02 AM
New Contributor


I have a .txt point file icluding x,y,z informations , but when I am trying to use XY Table to point in 3.2.2 Version of ArcGIS Pro it gives me following error:"WARNING 100160: Some of the features have invalid geometry and have been removed from the result". However the issue will be solved when you create an evet feature layer first then save it as a feature class. So, could please help as why it gives me an error when you want to use  XY Table to point tool?

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3 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

Hard to tell without an example of the .txt file.

Perhaps there are some leading/trailing spaces in some of the cells, decimal points in wrong place?

Also, you may check this link and see if anything applies:

  Using a CSV file in the XY Table To Point tool returns a warning message in ArcGIS Pro


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Because plain text files or even comma delimited ones need processing and checking prior to being used in Pro, hence the need to use something that provides that control, XY table to point being one of them

... sort of retired...
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Esri Notable Contributor

Here is an Esri Technical Support help document that describes the error message and provides a workaround/solution.  May help with your workflow.

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