Hello! I am trying to input LiDAR data from Point Cloud Data to ArcGIS Prop, but I am new to ever working with LiDAR. I have been following along with instructions to Create LAS Dataset, but when I run this tool the display goes blank and I cannot get anything but a write screen. It also zooms out a ton and will not come back even when I zoom in. I've unzipped the downloaded Point Cloud Data, but when I open this folder in Pro there doesn't appear to be anything compatible in there. I have also put this folder in the Create Point Cloud Scene Layer Content tool or Convert LAS tool and get the same results.
I have tried these options several times and only once got the red square outline and LiDAR points to appear but they were in Africa when this dataset is for Tennessee.
What am I doing wrong?
when you look in the folder in just windows file explorer, what do you see?
it sounds like you do not have the projection file/details required to land you in Tennessee so it defaults to "NULL" Island off the coast of Africa at zero/zero lat/long
is this the workflow you are following?